Monday, June 13, 2011

SIFF Day 23-25 (Jun 10-12): Happy Ending

My final weekend of SIFF turned out to be quite rewarding, with five very different films that I enjoyed watching.

Romeos (Germany) - B+

A twist-and-turn love story between a transgendered man and a playboy type. Heartfelt, honest, eye-opening about a sensitive subject without being preachy or exploitive.

Me with "Romeos" director Sabine Bernardi

Hot Coffee (USA) (Docu) - A-

The McDonalds coffee lawsuit is only a small part of this must-see documentary, which digs deep into what I think is the biggest struggle in today's America: corporation vs individual interests. The film rightfully addresses it as a civil rights issue, making a convincing case for the need for change. Director Susan Saladoff's 25-year experience as a civil justice lawyer comes through strongly and plays to great benefit: With its sound structure, brisk pacing and layered presentation, "Hot Coffee" carries the intensity and emotionality of a good courtroom drama.

Me with "Hot Coffee" associate producer Erin Crumpacker, Washington native

Sound of Noise (Sweden) - A-

A group of music rebels conduct a heist of percussion. Highly innovative and entertaining! Must see to be believed!

Spud (South Africa) - B+

Despite an abundance of stereotypes and cliches, this coming-of-age story succeeds on the strength of winning performances by two young stars. John Cleese impresses in a supporting role. Now if only the theme of bullying was not presented in such simplistic light...

Revenge of the Electric Car (USA) (Docu) - B+

Presented with the flare of a Hollywood thriller, this entertaining documentary tells the fascinating stories of several key players in the electric vehicle movement. Apparently, it does take big personalities to make big moves.

Life in a Day (UK) - B

This was an ambitious project for sure: People around the world sent in video footage of their lives on July 24th, 2010; selected entries were edited into a feature-length film. I wasn't sure how it would turn out - A brilliant masterpiece, or a chaotic mess? Now that I've seen the result, it's somewhere in between. I would say, it is much more engaging and effective than I feared it might be. The montage sequences and the featured stories work together to create a cohesive experience that leaves plenty of impressions. Unfortunately, the strongest impressions are limited to bits and pieces. With only a thin thread of a theme connecting everything, the film is akin to a crowded party, where I mingle with lots of people without really getting to know anyone. At the end, it's hard not to see this as a novelty concept, an experiment - albeit a well-executed one - rather than a new avenue for filmmaking.

"Life in a Day" editor Joe Walker at SIFF Closing Party

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